At Hiro Martial Arts Academy, we empower individuals through martial arts, fostering respect, discipline, and excellence. Our dojo combines traditional techniques with modern training for all ages and skill levels. We provide a supportive environment where students and their families can address challenges like peer pressure, bullying, and mental health issues. Through our classes and seminars, we equip students with the skills and confidence to navigate life's obstacles. By working closely with parents, we help our youth build resilience and achieve a healthy, successful future.
Founder of Hye Katch Do
8th degree in Kyokushin Budokai - Kancho Jon Bluming
7th degree in Karate - Shihan Pat Burleson
7th degree in Kadgamala Karate - Kancho Lemmens
7th degree in Sho Shin-Do - Kancho Raffi Liven
3rd degree in Kickboxing - Kancho Lemmens
6th degree in Krav-Maga - Tom Madsen
6th degree in Ryoku-Shin Do - Holgar-Michael Bolt
3rd degree in Chun-Kuk Do - Chuck Norris
1st degree in Judo - George Manoukian
Mihran Aghvinian
Master Instructor
Professional Boxer
Gold Medalist European Championships - Kickboxing
Gold Medalist German Championships - Boxing
8x Gold Medalist International
and National Championships - Kickboxing
German National Team Boxing - 3 years
National Team Member Kickboxing - 10+ years
Silver Medalist European Championships - Kickboxing Youth
National Team - Kickboxing Youth 2 years
4th degree in Hye Katch Do - Mihran Aghvinian
2nd degree in Kadgamala Karate - Kancho Lemmens
Marco Deckmann